*Serves 4-6 servings. 9qt braiser. 3qt roaster/11”large skillet
2-4 winter squash, acorn squash or baking pumpkins about 4”size
2 cups rice
2 lbs ground beef or bison
2 bell peppers #3 come
1 zucchini #2 cone
2 medium carrots #1 cone
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
Begin by cutting open squash and removing seeds and any excess insides, rinse, and put into braiser on medium to begin roasting while starting rice and meat, Medium-click-Low – It’s all you need to know! .
In a separate pan, begin cooking ground meat, once browning add rice and all veggies and seasonings, cook Medium-click-Low – It’s all you need to know!
Once rice is tender, squash should be roasting and starting to soften, stuff rice and meat mixture into squash.
If squash isn’t tender yet, put stuffed squash back into pan on medium and continue cooking until tender.
Once tender, serve and ENJOY!