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Megan Potts

*Serves 12-22, 12qt or 16qt roaster l


2-22 lb. turkey (thawed)

½ onion (stringer cone, #2)

4 garlic cloves (shredder cone, #1)

½ Tablespoon black pepper

1 tablespoon Sea salt

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon onion powder

1 tablespoon rosemary

1 tablespoon dill

1 tablespoon thyme


Preheat pan.

Add onions & garlic to preheated pan and grill for 2 min on medium.

Mix seasonings in a bowl and then dry rub onto Turkey skin once pan is very hot carefully place turkey legs down into pan to start, (DON’T TRY TO MOVE ONCE IN PAN!), let sear for about 20-30 minutes or when bird releases easily, not losing skin on the pan, then flip to brown breast side.

Be sure breast side is down while finishing cooking, cook until juices run clear when poked with a fork.

***If you lift lid for any reason place flame back on medium. Should be ready in 2-3 hours, depending on size and how many times the lid is lifted. Save broth for gravy.

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