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Ube Pie

Megan Potts

*Food Processor, Electric Skillet, Saladmaster Pie Pan 



2 cups Cooked and cooled & mashed Ube yams 

2 tsp ube extract 

1tbsp pumpkin pie spice 

¼ cup corn starch 

2/3 cup coconut sugar 

1 tsp vanilla extract 

1 tsp salt 

1 cup coconut cream  



1 ½ cups flour 

½ tbsp coconut sugar 

½ tsp salt 

½ cup hard coconut oil 

3 tbsp water 

½ cup medium/soft tofu 


Combine together crust ingredients of sugar, salt, coconut oil and flour until just combined in a food processor.

Slowly start mixing in water until dough starts to form.

Begin to roll out dough on a floured surface. (Preheat electric skillet to 350°) Dough should roll out to about 13 inches round. Gently lift into the pie pan and trim edges.

When ready, placing whole pie pan into the electric skillet to let the crust cook for about 15 minutes.

While crust is cooking begin making the filling. Combine corn starch, sugar, vanilla and seasonings in a bowl.

Begin to add coconut cream and ube and ube extract until creamy.

After pie crust is been cooking for 15 minutes, add pie filling to skillet and cook for about 40-55 minutes.

This pie is best served chilled! ENJOY! 

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